Sunday, July 10, 2011

7 weeks out... & I'm hungry

Sooo.. Today makes me 7 wks out from my 1st OCB- (Bikini Division) Competition~ Aug 27, 2011.. YAYE!!!

It's beginning to become real to me...As I move closer and closer to my competition date, I keep going over my goals and the reasons why I'm really putting my body and mind through all of this. I know as the weeks continue to decline, it'll only become a lot more challenging!

My main goal is to have FUN!!

The main reason, I guess you can say, is to challenge myself mentally. Mental discipline is something we all must possess in order to succeed in all aspects of our lives!!

Prepping takes a lot out of you physically, yes... but I believe more mentally!!

You must have a deep motivation and mental discipline to get up and go to the gym 2x a day, eat 5-6 small meals a day, control your sugar cravings, prepare and cook all your food.

It can be very draining and time consuming. Most people couldn't begin to understand!!

So far.. The biggest change that was made to my diet was my protein ounce has dropped from 6oz to 5oz. Also, My complex carbs~Brown rice & Sweet potatoes are now in the first 3 meals of my 5 total meals..

My typical 3 day diet...  Note: Im carb cycling~ Which means I have a No carb day, Med carb day & High carb day!!!!

 No carb day

6am-  (Cardio) 

8 am- 5oz Chicken & 3/4cup  of brown rice

11am- 5oz chicken and 1 cup broccoli or 85g of asparagus, 1 tbsp flax, 2 tbsp salsa

2pm- 5oz tilapia  1 cup of broccoli or 85 grams of  asparagus, 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar dressing

5pm- 5oz chicken 1 cup broccoli or 85g of asparagus, 2 tbsp salsa

630pm- weights and cardio

830- 5oz chicken and 1 cup of broccoli,  2tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp flax

*Gallon or more water daily*

930- 10pm Bed

Med Carb day

6am cardio

8am- 5oz Chicken & 3/4cup  of brown rice
11am- 5oz fish, 1/2 cup brown rice or 2.75oz sweet potatoe 2 tbsp salsa

2pm- 5oz chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice or 2.75 sweet potatoe,  cinnamon,  2 tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp flax

5pm - 5oz fish, 1/2 cup of broccoli or 45g of asparagus,  2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

6:30 pm weights and cardio

830- 5oz chicken 1/2 cup of broccoli or 45g asparagus, 2 tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp flax

High Carb

6am cardio

8am- 5oz Chicken & 3/4cup  of brown rice
11am- 5oz fish, 1 cup brown rice or 5.5oz sweet potatoe 2 tbsp salsa

2pm- 5oz chicken, 1 cup brown rice or 5.5 sweet potatoe,  cinnamon,  2 tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp flax

5pm - 5oz fish, 45 grams of asparagus or 1/2 cup broccoli,   2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

6:30 pm weights and cardio

830- 5oz chicken 1/2 cup broccoli or 45 asparagus,  2 tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp flax


1 comment:

Anthony said...

Love this.