Thursday, February 2, 2012

12 Weeks Out

Well, time is definitely moving.... before I know it, I'll be standing on stage again!

Not many changes to my diet, but training has been kicked up about 10 notches.

This pretty much means... early mornings and later nights at the gym.

Current diet:

Still eating every 2 1/2- 3hrs

8am - 5 egg whites or 2.5 oz chicken, 1 cup oats &10 almonds

11am- Protein shake: 1 scoop ~ b/w 100-120 calories, 1/2 banana

2pm- 4oz chicken & 1 cup of green veges

5pm- 2 plain rice cakes w/ 2 Tbsp of peanut butter

8pm- 6oz chicken, 3/4 cup veges, 5oz sweet potato

10pm- Protein shake: 1 scoop ~  b/w 100-120 calories

*** I still get my cheat meal... 1x/ week : No more than 2hrs ***


4 sets each
45 sec rest
15 Reps or to failure

*** Add 30sec Plyos in b/w all sets ***

Day 1 ~ Chest/Back

Flat bench straight bar
incline DB press
Machine press flyes
Front WG pull downs
T-bar row
Assisted Pull up machine

Day 2 ~ Quads/Bi's

Leg press- shoulder width apart
step up on bench w/ DB in hands
DB wide sumo squat
BB close grip curls with bent bar
ST bar wide drip curls with straight bar
1 arm DB concentration curls

Day 3 ~ Shoulders

Side lateral raises
Front raises
Front Arnold press

Day 4 ~ Hamstrings/Tris

Leg curls (lying)
Reverse lunges w/ DB in hands
Dead lift with DB
Push downs w/ straight bar
Overhead DB extension
DB skull crushers

Cardio~ 55min : 6 days a week