Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Motivation...Where Are You

I know I should be doing it...
I really want to do it…
I believe I can do it
Yet, I’m still not doing it…
Motivation, Motivation, Motivation….  Where Are You?!?!

M-O-T-I-V and A-T-I-O-N simply means a motive to take action….It is the internal driving force by which we achieve all our goals!!!!
We all need motivation to succeed in every aspect of our lives.….What motivates me, may not motivate you!!
I’ve struggled with my weight ALL my life. I was an overweight child all the way up to HS. After that, my weight was a constant up & down battle.
It wasn’t until Dec 2008, when I got my 1st gym membership, that I started learning how to lose weight with proper nutrition and exercise.

For 5 months straight, I “Dieted” and worked out 2x a day…I lost a lot of weight, but my eating habits didn’t change.


5 months later I found myself back at the beginning…. Starting over!!!


It was then, that I decided…..Enough was Enough!!!


Now, my ultimate challenge... My 1st OCB~Bikini Competition~ 8/27/2011

My motivation stems from the long battle of not being able to control my eating habits; from the memories of being teased as a child; from the years of my weight going...up & down & up again!

My motivation is what drives me to push myself. It’s the place that I go to when I’m at my lowest moments, for mental and physical strength!

Finding your motivation and staying motivated is not as difficult as it may seem. It just takes discipline and some will power…

~Start by visualizing your desired outcome: Create a picture of what the desired final outcome will look like, and have this vision in your mind at all times during the day. Iimagine how it will feel when you achieve your goal.

~ Set small weekly goals & keep track of your successes in a journal.

~~ Use visual aids to monitor progress. Take pictures of your goals and create a “Vision” or “Dreams” board. You must… See it! Feel it! Smell it! Taste it!

~ Train yourself to finish what you start by refusing to quit until you are done. Cultivate the habit of determination and persistence.

~ Write affirmations to remind yourself how committed you are to reaching your goals.

~ Get help and support from people around you.

~ Ignore negative thoughts, people and situations.

~Celebrate your achievements…this will keep you on track for the next one.


~ Define your own version of success; don’t let others define success for you. Your goals must be your own for them to motivate you. You have to be mentally invested in them!!!


Anonymous said...

your last words are definitely words to live by! Great post B!

Bukola said...

Thanks Tra :)

Scooter said...

This is the second time I've read this post It speaks to me in different ways. This time, my motivations are slightly different. Also, I'm working on my will power & my food log & weekly goals are helping.

Motivation ebbs and flows, but as long as I get it back & stay on my grind, I'm always moving forward.

Keep on sharing, it helps when it's someone you know. :-)

Bukola said...

Awee thats awesome scooter.. I sure will!! :)