Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Power of Self Talk

Self-Talk is something we do all day long.

It is the internal conversation that goes on in our mind, from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed.

Every word you speak has power. Many people underestimate the power of self talk because they don’t know the impact that it has.

Negative self talk such as.…I’m not good enough, I cant lose weight, This is to hard,  I cant do this, I cant do that, etc....can destroy your life and make it virtually impossible for your dreams to come true.

The worse part about this is most people don’t even REALIZE that their self-talk is NEGATIVE!

Here’s the thing...  the brain doesn’t distinguish between “good” and “bad” commands. It simply accepts the Self-Talk and uses it to shape your life.

By changing your self talk to positive phrases such as …I am in control, I can do all things, I love my body….You are able to take control over your life.

When you begin to practice positive self-talk and keep your words/mental pictures consistent with your goals & dreams…there is nothing that can stop you from being the success you were meant to be!!!!

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